Saturday, February 20, 2016

Best Steam Mop for tile floor

Tile floors are one of the most popular and well used floors for home and office. These tile floors have a shiny and sleek look all the time. But tile floors are more likely to be dirty if you don’t clean it regularly. There are a lot of cleaners in the market to clean tile floor. But all of them cannot clean the tile floor properly and doing zero damage to the floor. Steam Mops serve the best in this purpose.

Steam mops are the best to clean the tile floor as there are a lot of benefits to clean the tile floor with the steam mops.

Sleek and shiny: Tile floors get a shiny and sleek look if Steam Mop is used to clean. The Glossy look of the floor can be given by only Steam Mop.
Perfect cleaning:  Steam Mop cleans properly every inch of the floor leaving no dirt and debris behind.
Simple handling: All the Steam Mops provide standard sized handle to control the Mops easily while cleaning the tile floor with ease.
Long cords: Most of Steam Mops have long cords to cover even a big house. You can wash every corner of your house with these Steam Mops.

Here is one best steam mop for tile floor.

Shark Steam Pocket Mop (S3601D)
·       Dual sided cleaning
·       7.5 pounds of weight and 22 foot cord
·       99.99% Chemical free cleaning
·       Double Release Mop Heads
·       Intelligent Steam Control by Shark
·       Reasonable price and 2 year warranty

Pros & Cons
To clean your tile floor this steam mop by Shark is very effective. This mop can produce steam with very short time like 25-30 seconds. With this quick steam production this mop can clean the floor quicker and easier than any other steam mops. It has a unique cleaning system named Intelligent Steam Control System which can do 3 different functions- dust, scrub and mop.  Ensuring 99.99% sanitization, this mop removes all the bacteria and germs with its Super-Heated Steam. Its water tank contains sufficient amount of water to produce maximum amount of steam. It has 2 sided Steam Pocket Mops which ensure a non-toxic and hygienic cleaning. This steam Mop has the facility to adjust its height to clean easily and comfortably for your convenience. Its Triangular and Rectangular Release Mop heads clean more deeply and accurately than other Mops and these mop heads are to be removes when needed. Microfibre Pockets washes dusts, stains, germs and bacteria that other mops can’t. Its 7.5 pounds weight gives you ease to store it anywhere of your house. The most important feature is its 22 foot cord which makes you to clean any part of your house with ease. It also provides 2 year warranty. You can use this amazing steam mop to clean any kind of hard floor and wooden floor too.

The window of the water tank is very small which makes difficulty to pour water in the tank.

If you are busy and have less time to clean the tile floor, try this great steam mop by Shark to clean your whole house completely.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Where to buy a Floor Cleaner

To clean the floor manually without any help of electronic devices, floor cleaners are the best. As these floor cleaners are mostly liquid, they can be used with steam mop, sponge and with soft clothes. These floor cleaners clean faster than the other cleaners. Buying the floor cleaners is a smart decision. These floor cleaners are available in the market and online. Anyone can easily buy them.

Where can I buy a Floor Cleaner
Floor Cleaners are available in the departmental stores or any retail shops. In these shops you can bargain the price. You can test the product before buying. You can also buy a product from the manufacturers own shops. 

But if you want to buy a floor cleaner by sitting at your home, then online is your best companion. There are several websites who sell products through internet. You can choose your desired product from thousands of products. These online shops have a huge range of house hold products of different prices. Most importantly, you can buy a product from anywhere of the world through online. From those websites Amazon is the best known.

Benefits of buying products from online

If you buy a product from online you will get some benefits which you won’t get from buying retail shop or market. That’s why online shopping is getting popular day by day.
Saving money: To shop from the market means to go there with private or public transport. It will cost you fuel or fare. But you can simply save your fuel and money if you buy the products from online sitting on a chair or lying on your bed.
Quick service: In the website, there are huge lists of products.  But you can order any of them in a jiffy and the product will be your home in a very quick time too.
Saving time: To buy from market means to up down to the market wasting your valuable time. Again when you’re choosing the right product by observing every one of them, it also takes much time from you. But through internet it takes few moments from you to choose the product and to order the product by clicking the mouse to save your time.
Saving energy:  Online shopping gives you a chance to buy sitting your home which saves your energy by not going to the market physically.
Buy with right price: From hundreds of websites, you can compare the price of a product from other sites. And then you can choose the cheapest product.
All time open: Market or retail shops close and open maintaining a regular time. But online shops are open 24/7 giving you a freedom to buy anything at any time.
Less time to wait: In the market you need more time to buy. Moreover, you have to wait in the line sometimes. To get rid of this irksome task, online shopping is the best solution.
Quick delivery service: You don’t need to go anywhere to receive the product after purchasing. The shopping site will deliver the product to your home by their home. They will charge you a delivery fee but that will be very little.

To buy all kinds of house hold products including floor cleaners, you can go to market or retail shops. But for comfort and quick service, you can choose online shops. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Considerations to buy a Steam Mop

To clean almost all kinds of floors, Steam Mop is the best. No mops can clean like a Steam Mop. In a busy life, you need to clean your floor regularly to prevent damages and to look them great. Regular cleaners or brushes are not always good to serve and they sometimes damage the texture the floor. Steam Mops are in this case very smart and serviceable as they can completely and very quickly to save your time. The benefits of using a Steam Mop are many.

Buying tips for a Steam Mop

You will not get the best or proper Steam Mop if you don’t buy it carefully noticing the main features of it. Here are the main features of a Steam Mop to consider before buying.

quick cleaning: Easy cleaning is one of the main features of a Steam Mop before buying. Easy cleaning means how fast it gets ready after plugging. It saves time and energy.

Multi floor cleaning: The best Steam Mop can clean different kinds of floors. It must clean tile, vinyl, marble, granite and cement floors.

Easy handling: A great Steam Mop needs to be handled easily while cleaning. Look for the handle whether it is standard size or not.

Complete cleaning: The Steam Mop should clean the floor completely leaving no dirt and dust behind. It must have the ability to remove hard stains without damaging the floor.

Electric power: A Steam Mop must be run by electric. Electric make a Steam Mop work faster with no shortage of power.

Cord: Make sure that the cord of the Steam Mop is long enough to cover every corner of your whole house. You have to plug in to use the mop in every room if the cord is short.

Quick steaming: A great Steam Mop makes steam within just 30 seconds or less. So go for the quick steam making mops.

Water tank: Carefully notice the size of the water tank. Bigger sized water tank contains more amount of water. More water means more steam which enables you to clean the floor for long time.

 On/off switch: Some Steam Mops don’t have any on or off switch. You can use them after plugging. These are not safe. Buy the one which has on and off switch.

Light weight: Light weight Steam Mops are very easy to handle and clean particularly when you need to clean under any furniture.

Size: A standard and small sized Steam Mop needs no additional space for storing and it can be stored in any small place of your house.

Pads: The cleaning pads of the best Steam Mop are all made by microfiber to clean the floor without making any scratch. You should buy some additional pads to.

Shape: There are many shaped mops in the market. Triangular mops are always better than the square mops because they can easily clean the corners of your house.

Continue cleaning: Most of the Steam Mops provide a 10 to 15 minutes continue cleaning. Go for those.

Cost: Best quality products are always costly. But choose the best Steam Mop with reasonable price.

Follow the instructions and you can buy the best Steam Mop in the market o save your time, money and energy to make your floor look gorgeous.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

How to use a Steam Mop

Cleaning the floor manually with a mop and bucket is lengthy and tiresome task. That’s the reason why people are choosing the electronic Steam Mops now a days. But using a Steam Mop is not that kind of easy if you don’t know how to use it properly. Moreover, these Electronic Steam Mops need proper maintenance. But the benefits of these Stem Mop are, they clean the floor hygienically and completely, leaving no dirt and wet substance on the floor.

Choosing a Steam Mop and equipments
Choosing a Steam Mop is the first step to clean the floor of your home. But it is very crucial to choose the right Mop for your floor.

  • Choose the perfect Mop for your floor.
  • Never choose a Steam Mop if your floor is Hardwood.
  • Use the Mop only on sealed floors. 
  • Washing pads should be micro-fiber and triangular pads are more convenient to clean.
  • For big house, choose the steam mop with big tank. Long handled mops are easy to control.
  • Different steam mop takes different length of time to heat up the steam. Take the less time taking Mops to heat up the Steam. 30 seconds or lesser are the best known.

Using formula of a Steam Mop
As the Steam Mops are of different categories, their uses are also different. So, you must know the use of them perfectly to keep away from any kind of damage. Here are 3 different categories of Steam Mops and their easy and simple use.

Multifunctional Steam Mop: This steam mops can easily clean any kind of floors and also window and other things. It has a handle which can be removed as your wish to clean any area of your house. At the bottom of the mop there is a microfiber pad attached to clean. You just need to fill the water tank with water or detergent and switch it. After 20-30 seconds the steam will be ready and you can clean the floor hygienically and without leaving any spots.

Handled Steam Mop: This steam mop has long handles to clean any places of your house particularly under any furniture. The handle can be shorten and lengthen giving you more freedom to anything and anywhere. Microfiber helps cleaning clearly. A switch is found at the bottom of the handle mostly. You can on and off the mop whenever you want. Like other Mops, you need to fill the water tank and start cleaning after the steam is ready. These mops are very easy to store.

Steam Mop with upright stick: These steam mops are good for carpet, tiles, vinyl and other kind of sealed floors. Like the 2 other steam mops, you have to pour simple tap water into the water tank and clean the floor when the steam is ready to use.   

Using Steam Mop on different floors
For different kinds of floors, you need to use the Steam Mop differently. 

Hard floors: All the hard floors are perfect for steam Mops. But if you are using a Steam Mop on Hardwood floor, make sure that the floor is sealed. Prepare the Mop according to the instruction. Sweep the floor before cleaning and use soft Bristled pads for spotless cleaning. Change the head of the mop when it is needed to change.
Carpet floors: Carpet floor is different than the hard floors. So, you need to spray Spotter on the carpet to steam and have to use carpet Glider to clean.

Steam Mop maintenance tips
It is equally important to know the maintenance of the Steam Mop. Follow these tips to last it for a long time.

  • Keep extra pads all the time.
  • Well maintained floors are great for using Steam Mop.
  • Use the Steam Mop only on the sealed floors.
  • Never leave the Mop on the floor while it is on.
  • Don’t use fabric softener if you do cleaning with microfiber pads.

I think you have got a clear cut idea about using a Steam Mop properly with tips of the maintenance of the Mop. From now, cleaning the floor will be one of the easiest tasks for you.